Canofile Conversion Services

A wealth of valuable information remains stored in obsolete data formats, archived on outdated media. With every passing year, the difficulty of restoring Canofile data grows, and the point of complete obsolescence draws nearer. Some data formats and media types stand the test of time, but many do not. As with 8″ and 5 1/4″ floppy disks, the useful life has long since ended for the Canofile format. Organizations that require ongoing access to images stored in Canofile formats are probably already facing daily frustrations in doing so, and the situation is destined only to get worse.

We specialize in the quality conversion of Canofile 250/510 Disks to TIFF/PDF formats, with quick turnaround times.

Since 1997, it’s what we do.

ScanSmart conversion to modern media and open data formats allows you to:

        • Save existing investment in document images and indexes
        • Search documents by cabinet name or keyword
        • Feel confident that the data will be useful for decades to come
        • Easily incorporate your documents into a Document Management System

Pricing is dependent on the quantity of Canon Diskfile 502MO disks needed to be converted.

ScanSmart’s satisfied customers include:


Medical Offices


Legal Offices

Universities & Schools

Accounting Offices